Garage Kept Motors

Friday, October 8, 2021

Fall Tour - Routes now available!!

DeutscheMarques board member Matthew Short has designed a beautiful fall color tour for us. Here are the northbound and southbound routes. We will have printed maps available, and will provide you with a card to re-enter the Gilmore Car Museum grounds following the tour.

If you're Google Maps savvy, you can review the routes here:
Remember, the October 9 color tour is limited to the first 60 cars who want to drive. Group 1 departs at 10:00, Group 2 at 10:15, and Group 3 at 10:30.
If you don't do the drive Saturday, save the map! Colors should be good for a couple of weeks.

Almost here! Tomorrow is Oktoberfest!

 You might be wondering if we have a parking plan for OKTOBERFEST. Of COURSE we do!

Cars will enter the show grounds at the south end of the parking lot, near the Model A and Franklin museums. The GCM staff will gratefully accept your $20 contribution, covering your car, driver, and first passenger. Thank you!

John Lacko will direct cars to the appropriate parking area (Note - unlike DeutscheMarques we are NOT parking by marque). Cars arriving for the OKTOBERFEST will make a right turn at the Lincoln museum. Cars going on the color tour will go straight toward Nancy Lacko.

Nancy will have drivers and passengers sign a waiver and will give them a printed map of the color tour route. Drivers will also get a card allowing reentry to the GCM following the tour.

Touring cars will proceed to the second right turn, and park on a diagonal with their noses to the road. We will have a driver's meeting at 9:45 fill in any tour details.

We will send out three groups of 20 cars each at 10:00, 10:15 and 10:30. When you return to the GCM, please park where you were staging earlier.

And keep your eyes peeled for the Model A's that will be driving on the campus for the last day of their season.

Comment any questions here, or Message us! 73-degrees and partly sunny. It's going to be a GREAT day! 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Official Brew of Deutsche Marques and Oktoberfest!

 We are THRILLED to have Haymarket Brewing as our official beer sponsor for Oktoberfest! Look forward to trying out their German beers in our beer tent! Also be sure to stop by their Bridgman MI location as you head to the west side of the state, as well as visit their second location in Chicago's West Loop!